Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day Three, Gift Three

OK, so I know you are all dying to find out if I beat Tim at hoola hooping, no, I didn't but we did tie! Since I've been so ill I really considered that a victory. We actually "exercised" and laughed for a good hour or so...I can't remember the last time I exercised. It was wonderful. Then a good friend of mine called who is following the blog, she had gotten a call from the home schooling mom whom I left the diapers. She was trying to figure out where these diapers had come from. My friend said, "I bet it's Desiree, have you read about her challenge on her blog?"

Come to find out, this friend really, really, really needed the diapers and really needed them right now and they fit somebody! So I love the laws of probability right now! I woke up around 430am with some pretty intense pain and can't sleep. I probably pushed it too hard on the light exercise...I'm reading so many books right now, I can't even tell you, I grab which ever one I am inspired to grab at the moment and this morning it was Dave Ramsey's "More Than Enough"...

I love Dave Ramsey, we are on his strict financial plan, we have the future in mind and a goal to retire comfortably. We try not to live in the moment and focus on long term goals. Like everyone, we make mistakes, we make impulse purchases, etc. But I can happily say we haven't used a credit card in a few years now and we are almost out of debt.

As I was reading, one paragraph really stood out and touched my heart and I felt led to share it with you. As you may or may not know, Dave Ramsey is a Christian and his financial program is taught in churches all over the country. I will make sure to share more about what I have learned from him, but for today, this is what God is asking me to share.

"Confucius says if a man will find work he loves he will never have to work another day in his life. Vision means understanding that a job will never satisfy and that taking a position just for money will never lead to "More Than Enough". People who work for money only are usually miserable, because there is no fulfillment and no meaning to what they do. I have some friends...who hold master's degrees and could easily earn more than $100,000 per year, but instead live on less than $10,000 per year as missionaries traveling the world to spread the gospel. They are some of the most fulfilled and happy people I have ever met, always upbeat and with another exciting story to tell. Their marriage is great, they have raised great kids, and they are living a life of "More Than Enough". You should find your gift and passion and work in a vocation that utilizes those things. People who live out their vision, their dreams in their career, usually don't make much now, but become the Bill Gateses, Steven Speilbergs, and Michael Jordans of the world."

This touched me as it talks a lot about what this blog means to's a passion, my unique gift. I've had people tell me that I'm wasting my two masters degrees in education on being a stay at home mother, but I disagree. I use every ounce of education and strength to get through each and every day. I have the confidence to homeschool because of my college experiences. If you are reading this today, maybe there is a reason? Really consider if you are doing a job you are passionate about and I don't necessarily means a "paying" you know, I am not getting paid for my job of being a mother, adoptive mother, homeschooling mother, supportive wife, and thrilled blogger! But I'm passionate and if you don't have that, I don't believe you can find happiness. I'm surrounded by the homeschooling community who typically has four and more children with a stay at home mom surviving on one income. That is a rarity in today's world but it gives an important statement about our believes in what is really important to us.

Unfortunately, I have had a very rough "health day"...It's 2pm and I'm just barely sitting up in bed. I haven't been able to even answer my phone...sigh. But, luckily, I was able to do my gift today anyway! I was contacted by a friend about a local family who is living in really bad circumstances. The family includes seven children and the home is not heated/air conditioned or even has windows, just boards. The circumstances are pretty dire, but out of respect for the family, I won't publish all the details. But in the end, they make all of us realize we have "More Than Enough". I started a couple of days ago cleaning out my pantry and drawers as part of my "Mission Organization"...I realized that we had two full sets of just about EVERYTHING! I had my own set and so did my husband when we married. I was able to pretty much give her everything she could need for her kitchen, including silverware. I also have so much "extra" food in the pantry due to shopping the sales I was able to fill a large basket of food. I'm going to keep working on projects for this family, but my husband was able to drop of the items I had collected for her today while I slept. This was my gift and I thank him for making it a possibility. I'm discouraged out how incredibly ill I am today, but also know that I have four pretty great days in a row and that was HUGE! Maybe next time it'll be five, six, etc...

Best of all, my eight year old (almost nine) Dakota helped me...he kept saying, "This feels so good, Mom!" I know it's not near enough but I will keep working on helping this family, make sure to post your suggestions!!!


Anonymous said...

Ok I found my gift today. There is a church the Faith Lighthouse that has a gated area to leave off cans and bottles. Even though there is a storm today my daughter stopped by. I asked her to drop off my bags of cans for me so that I didn't have to get my car out of the garage. Even though it is out of her way she agreed that dropping them off for me would be her gift for the day. It is spreading. Thanks for the great inspiration. I will continue to drop off my cans at the church. Thanks for making me think hard about what to do when you don't have any money. Can't wait to hear about your gift today.

About me... said...

That was a great idea and now you've gained some space in your home as well! No one likes cans piling up and they are money!!!

Congrats on sharing your challenge with others and stay warm!


lovemypies said...

how awesome Desiree!!!!! I check here several times a day looking for your post... whats next? HUH HUH HUH???

Anonymous said...

Ok so today's gift was not very creative. I got up late and got to work late. Was tired all day. What I did do was buy 2 candy bars from a fund raiser for the early ed program and gave one away to a young man who works at my office. He was appreciative and had a big smile on his face. I ate the other one although my intention was to give it away ( oops ).
You mentioned subscribing to your blog and having it come right to our e-mail. I don't see a place to do that. Would you mind helping me with this?

Anonymous said...

I remember doing that with Mom... Anyway I like helping people... Keep up the good

work! Dakota