Sunday, March 7, 2010

Day Sixty-Four, Reading!

Today Abigail came down the stairs carrying six or seven books.  She said, "Read to a me!"  I was swamped...I was attempting to make all the kids a nice breakfast of pancakes and french toast.  I told her I couldn't right now and she stomped her feet but was persuaded to be nice with all the good food.  After we all ate and got dressed for the day, I saw the pile of books sitting there.  I cuddled up with her on the couch and although my head was pounding, we read each and every took a long time, but she loved it.  I smile as I write this because she was just so happy for the attention and there are few things I love more than sharing a great book with one of my amazing children!

Day Sixty-Three, A Special Presentation!

Kaylee has been asking me for some time to come visit her classroom at school...I've wanted to, but between being sick and getting everything caught up in the past few weeks, it hasn't happened.  I decided I would go and watch her give her presentation on Vermont.  I talked with the teacher to arrange a time...she said that it was going to be very short and that parents don't usually come, but I was more than welcome.  I went in at 830am and she totally lighted up as soon as she saw me.  She gave a fantastic presentation and I was thrilled.  I gave her a big hug and kiss and congratulated her before I left.  It was a really nice treat for both of us!  When she came home, she ran through the door, gave me and hug and kiss and thanked me for sweet.

Day Sixty-Two, Gift Certificate!

As I've mentioned before, I'm helping a young teen couple with a baby get back into a high school program.  They are going to be doing all of their work online...they have one working computer and one broken laptop that needs a repair.  When I was at the fundraiser auction the other night I bid on a service for a computer tech to fix a broken computer and I won!  So today, I gave this gift to the young couple.  They will now be able to have two computers in their home and work on school at the same time!  I wanted to help take down any possible barriers to their success and I saw this as being one...they were sooo incredibly thankful!

Day Sixty-One, Vermont State Report!

I'm in awe that I made it through the first sixty days!  Wow, my life has changed soooo much, it's thrilling!  I'm a bit overwhelmed at trying to get through the rest of the year, but I'm just focusing on one day at a time.  The gift giving has become quite natural...the hard part is keeping up with writing the posts about them...hence, you are getting a weeks worth in one day!  Sorry about that!  I'm going to try and focus on keeping this a top priority in the morning before all the kids are up.

Kaylee was doing a State Report in her first grade classroom, she had three choices, her first was Texas as her maternal Grandmother lives there...her second was Hawaii, as that is where her Dad and I got married, and her third was Vermont because I am from there and she didn't have any other  So, she came home with Vermont!  I was excited, she said oddly enough no one else in the class wanted it!  I laughed and told her I've met several adults who have asked me "What country is Vermont in?" So I wasn't surprised that a classroom of first graders were not fighting over it! 

For my gift for today I spent hours working on her presentation poster.  We had a month to work on the project and we had written to the Chamber of Commerce...finally, she got this huge package in the mail full of brochures, maps,  and other information.  It was very exciting for her.  We went through everything, cutting up stuff, then I pulled out my scrapbooking materials to add some pizazz and we went to work.  She had so much fun learning about maple syrup, Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream, Ethan Allen, and of course the sea monster in Lake Champlain...

It exhausted me, as I get very tired in the evening, but I hung in there and we plugged away at it for two and a half hours and had an amazing project to show for it!  I gave her suggestions, but she did the actual project work on her own!

Day Sixty, Science, the Magic Way!

Today was crazy!!!  I had to make the meals for my meal group but I was feeling pretty good about my accomplishments the past few days.  I've been getting a little tired, but completely enjoying life!  I'm excited every time I change a diaper, clean the floors, or anything like that...I can do it myself!  I'm honestly scared of being bed ridden again, but I won't ever wonder if I had done all I could do...I really am enjoying every second!!!

Dakota had gotten a Magic Science Kit from my mom for his birthday...a couple of weeks later, we still hadn't opened it and he was dying of excitement.  So, today we not only did one, but plowed through five science experiments.  It is so difficult for me to give him my undivided attention...Abbey and Justin were gone for a few hours to preschool and we did science, cooking, science, cooking, science, you get the picture!  Once Abbey got home she was mesmerized by the magic wand and the crystal ball we made.  We had to hide the kit from her as she was going nuts!

Dakota had so much fun and somehow we got all the meals made, delivered and our other subjects exhausting!

Day Fifty-Nine, A Sleepy Sunday!

This Sunday, I slept in a little did the rest of the family...Tim hadn't made it to bed until around 5am.  I decided for my gift, I'd try and give him as relaxing day as possible with five young children.  So, I let him sleep while I quietly got Dakota and the other kids up and going and called our respite provider.  I asked her to watch the babies while Dakota and I went to church, as I was sure I couldn't possibly get them all ready in time by myself.  When we got home, I cleaned up the house and let Tim sleep.  He came down rested and happy and the house was spotless!

Day Fifty-Eight, A Fun Fundraiser!

Today's gift was a told myself that I would bring ALL the kids by myself to a fundraiser at the local was a country themed fun dance and auction with hot dogs, cotton candy, etc.  We went and the kids had a great time, I had difficulty keeping track of every one...sigh.  Jamie kept jumping in strangers laps and Abbey was busy chasing other toddlers.  Dakota was off with his friend and said they were "talking to girls"...sigh...and Justin was having difficulty with all the noise.  But, I was so glad that we went, we had a lot of fun and stayed for over two hours.  Tim was working a DUI task force that night so I was completely on my own.  I got them all unloaded and in bed and actually got Abbey to go to sleep in her bed (something only Tim seems to be able to do!)...

We bought several extra tickets for food to help the cause and I bought a couple things in the auction, which was very fun!  A woman came up to me from the church and said that she wanted to give away some tickets as a gift and that our family stood out...this was funny, considering it was at a church where everyone has four, fix, six, or more kids...we still apparently stood out!  I accepted the tickets graciously and thanked her and gave them to kids to get extra cotton candy or other sweets.  This was one of my most ambitious gifts...I honestly can't remember that last time I took everyone out by myself...more than a year, at least!